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hell is empty. all the devils are here.... shakespeare

hell is empty. all the devils are here.... shakespeare

Friday, October 2, 2009

I did this today for Open House on Monday. More paper doll buddies!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

New to blog

Just wanted to share so many ideas and thoughts that I have. Being a new teacher, I was told to keep a journal, I forgot the reason why... shows my attention span. However, posting it online can be tricky... you never know what might come back to haunt you. Look at Casey Anthony... LOL! Time is an issue... hence, we will see how it goes....

I love art in all of it's mediums, literature, music and art especially. I was a Graphic Designer for almost 10 years but I felt like I needed a change. Sometimes it felt like my MAC was my only co-worker, and the ebay shopping got out of control. Sitting in front of a computer all day with some down time has it's repercussions . Now that I have become a teacher, I love to share my passion for arts and crafts with my students, even though they are babies. I teach Pre-K. I find them using the word "design" a lot, along with "creative and imaginative". They make my day, but sometimes it gets tough. I enjoy the crafty part of it, as much as the academic. It makes me happy when one of my little 4 years olds leaves Pre-K reading short words and sight words. In the future, I might persue teaching art. For now, I am content.

It's holloween... this is my bulletin board for this month ( I almost said billboard again! The graphic design lingo will not vacate my mind yet) . I loved paper dolls growing up. I decided to make it my theme this year, and then I decided to dress them up for Holloween! I made them out of construction paper and they are all pretty easy to make, surprisingly. It's just your basic shapes: triangles and circles, the very stuff I teach my kiddos!