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hell is empty. all the devils are here.... shakespeare

hell is empty. all the devils are here.... shakespeare

Monday, April 4, 2011

And since I'm blogging... more jewelry to share!!!! Bird Nests for Spring!!!

revisited- resin filled bottle caps, favorite women of art in resin!!!

Its been such a long time!!! I was able to escape a bit from my vida loca, my crazy life!!! Always so much to do and never ever enough time! So many projects left unfinished... but I'm getting close to finishing them, one day at a time!  So I learned the hard way, that if you aren't 100% accurate in mixing your epoxy resin solution, they will probably not cure .... ever, so I had to give it another go... I don't even know where I left the other ones, but I had to scrape the resin out and refill them. I will post those later.

This is my favorite: "Well behaved women rarely make history." with a famous, or should I say infamous painting  of Gabrielle and her sister.
My favorite women in art!
Mona Lisa
and the Corn Poppy (who is this chick by the way???) Need to google her...